
Exploring the art of prose


exploring the art of prose

Image is a color photograph of a bouquet of peonies in shadow; title card for the new short story, "Corpse Washer," by Jennifer Springsteen. Fiction

Corpse Washer by Jennifer Springsteen

Image is a color photograph of a perfume bottle; title card for the new flash creative nonfiction essay, "The Catalog of Human Memories," by Celia Cummiskey Flash CNF

The Catalog of Human Memories by Celia Cummiskey

Image is the book cover for DANCING WITH BEARS: QUEER FABLES FOR THE END TIMES by Rob Costello; title card for the new interview with Nora Shalaway Carpenter. Interviews

Conversations Between Friends: Shalaway Carpenter and Costello

Image is the book cover for FIRST LAW OF HOLES by Meg Pokrass; title card for the new flash interview with Jahzerah Brooks. Interviews

Flash Interview: Meg Pokrass

Image is the book cover for SHIFT by Penny Guisinger; title card for the new interview with Michele Sharpe. Interviews

Interview: Penny Guisinger

Image is the book cover for TEHRANGELES by Porochista Khakpour; title card for the new interview with Basmah Sakrani. Interviews

Interview: Porochista Khakpour

Image is a color photograph of books on a shelf; title card for the new craft essay, "What I Want to Write," by Gemini Wahhaj. Craft

What I Want to Write

Image is a color photograph of kittens and a box; title card for the new flash fiction, "Floaters," by Kelle Groom. Flash Fiction

Floaters by Kelle Groom

Image is a color photograph of a lighthouse; title card for the new creative nonfiction essay, "The Lighthouse Keepers," by Jen Colclough. Longform CNF

The Lighthouse Keepers by Jen Colclough

Image is a color photograph of two healthcare figurines; title card for the new short story, "The Interview," by Daniel Frears. Fiction

The Interview by Daniel Frears

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About Us

Established in 2017 as a literary magazine for fiction, CRAFT expanded in 2020 to publish creative nonfiction as well. We explore how writing works, reading pieces with a focus on the elements of craft, on the art of prose. We feature previously unpublished creative work, with occasional reprints, as well as critical pieces including craft essays and interviews. All published creative pieces include an author’s note and an editorial introduction that both discuss stylistics in the work.

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