
Exploring the art of prose


exploring the art of prose

Image is the book cover for WE ARE DREAMS IN THE ETERNAL MACHINE by Deni Ellis Béchard; title card for the new interview with Shehrazade Zafar-Arif. Interviews

Interview: Deni Ellis Béchard

Image is a color photo of a clay devil in dirt; title card for the CRAFT 2024 Dialogue Challenge Winner, "The Devil Alive in Jersey," by Catherine Buck. DC 2024

The Devil Alive in Jersey by Catherine Buck

Image is the book cover for TAROT FOR CREATIVITY: A GUIDE TO IGNITING YOUR CREATIVE PROCESS by Chelsey Pippin Mizzi; title card for the new hybrid interview with Hillary Adams. Interviews

Hybrid Interview: Chelsey Pippin Mizzi

Image is the book cover for CRAFTING THE LYRIC ESSAY: STRIKE A CHORD by Heidi Czerwiec; title card for the new interview with Amy Scheiner. Interviews

Interview: Heidi Czerwiec

Image is a color photo of a cat or dog looking out of a windshield; title card for the new craft essay, "Comfort Animals," by Pascha Sotolongo. Craft

Comfort Animals

Image is a color photo of a vegetables on a kitchen counter; title card for the new flash fiction story, "The Family Gathers at a Meal," by Andrea Cavedo. Flash Fiction

The Family Gathers at a Meal by Andrea Cavedo

Image is a color photo of a fishing rod dangling over water; title card for the new longform creative nonfiction essay, "Mangled Pike Spotted by Kiddie Pool," by Faye Wikner. Longform CNF

Mangled Pike Spotted by Kiddie Pool by Faye Wikner

Image is a color photo of caribou silhouetted on a hillside; title card for the new short story, "After Skim-Reading Jack London on the Plane," by Elissa Field. Fiction

After Skim-Reading Jack London on the Plane by Elissa Field

Image is a color photo of a silver crown and white veil; title card for the new flash creative nonfiction essay, "Pageant Queen," by Ryan Kristopher Jory. Flash CNF

Pageant Queen by Ryan Kristopher Jory

Image is a color photo of a deer in a road; title card for the first-place winner of the CRAFT 2024 First Chapters Contest, "Happiness House," by Hadley Franklin. FCC 2024

Happiness House by Hadley Franklin

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Established in 2017 as a literary magazine for fiction, CRAFT expanded in 2020 to publish creative nonfiction as well. We explore how writing works, reading pieces with a focus on the elements of craft, on the art of prose. We feature previously unpublished creative work, with occasional reprints, as well as critical pieces including craft essays and interviews. All published creative pieces include an author’s note and an editorial introduction that both discuss stylistics in the work.

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