
Exploring the art of prose


CRAFT Hybrid Writing Contest 2022

2022 CRAFT Hybrid Writing Contest

$1,500 Awarded

Thank you to all writers who sent work to the CRAFT Hybrid Writing Contest! We are delighted to publish the winning entries in August 2022. Congratulations to all the winners, finalists, longlisters, and honorable mentions!


First Place: Chelsea Biondolillo, “Weeds”
Second Place: Christine Hume & Laura Larson, “All the Women I Know (Sandra, Dani, Roma, Alex)”
Third Place: Jade Hidle, “Census”


Maria T. Allocco: “Of This World”
Nadia Born: “Marriage: A Crossword”
Fowota Mortoo: “The Place I Call Home”
Andrew Romriell: “HIV-Positive”
Krystle May Statler: “Losing Blood”
Rain Wright: “Bird Language”
Jake Zawlacki: “A Shot”

The Rest of the Longlist

Erin Comerford: “Tunnels”
Starr Davis: “Nothing Free”
Christa Forster & Laura Lark: “Are You Content?”
Sandee Gertz: “Security Questions”
Amy Havel: “That Day, Somewhere Else”
Annie Liontas: “The Big Sleep”
K. S. Lokensgard: “A Kind of Fighting”
C. Quintana: “Mammals All the Same”
Peter Selgin: “Painting Stories”
Julie Marie Wade: “From the Jeopardy Category Known Lesbians: Who is Audre Lorde?”

Honorable Mentions

Karlen Chase: “Keeper”
Timothy Dyke: “Some Deft Segue”
Abby Manzella: “Glossary of Centralia, Pennsylvania”
Jā. R. Macki: “Linus Baby”
Petra McNulty: “The Wind Off the River: A Life in Fragments”
Joan Michelson: “Frontline Women”
Melissa Nunez: “Stay the Storm”
Amy Suzanne Parker: “Count Backwards”
Wally Suphap: “Thirteen Ways of Interrogating an Incident”
Peter Witte: “Next to Walking Man”

We’ll be back next year for the 2023 Hybrid Writing Contest!