About Us
Welcome to CRAFT
Established in 2017 as a literary magazine for fiction, CRAFT expanded in 2020 to publish creative nonfiction as well. We explore how writing works, reading pieces with a focus on the elements of craft, on the art of prose. We feature previously unpublished creative work, with occasional reprints, as well as critical pieces including craft essays and interviews. All published creative pieces include an author’s note and an editorial introduction that both discuss stylistics in the work.
We do not charge fees for our fiction or creative nonfiction submissions, or for our craft categories, and we are a paying market. Our general submissions are open year-round with no capacity limits. We value accessibility—keeping CRAFT free to read and free to submit to is our priority. We work with all writers, established as well as emerging. All creative work published in CRAFT comes through submission; we do not solicit fiction or creative nonfiction.
We offer editorial feedback on short prose, as well as free fast-response submissions for writers from historically marginalized groups.
Our Values
CRAFT believes in fostering and upholding a safe and welcoming environment for all voices. Therefore, as a core tenet of our editorial philosophy, we do not discriminate on the basis of age, ancestry, disability, family status, gender identity or expression, national origin, race, religion, sex or sexual orientation, or for any other reason. Additionally, we do not tolerate discrimination in the writing we consider for publication. Work we find discriminatory on any of the bases stated here will be declined without complete review. To best protect and honor our diverse community—our audience, our contributors, and our staff—we reserve the right to refuse service to those who may seek to cause harm through discriminatory practices, policies, or positions. We also reserve the right to deplatform writers if we learn they have broken our values elsewhere.
We know the publishing industry needs to reckon with, and make amends for, a long history of unfair practices. To that end, we actively seek work from writers from underrepresented groups. Writers who identify as BIPOC, LGBTQ+, disabled, or otherwise historically marginalized are encouraged to share their work with us. Trust that we work toward a better future for the industry.
Send Writing
CRAFT is open year-round to all writers. We currently feature two separate submission categories each for fiction and for creative nonfiction, based on the length of the work submitted: flash fiction and flash creative nonfiction, for work fewer than 1,000 words; and short fiction and creative nonfiction, for work up to 6,000 words. For more information, please see our submit page.
We also conduct several contests each year.
All inquiries can be sent to: contact (at) craftliterary (dot) com
Editor in Chief: Courtney Harler
Associate Editors:
Flash Creative Nonfiction—Jacqueline Doyle
Longform Creative Nonfiction—Shara Kronmal
Flash Fiction—Jahzerah Brooks & Bree Smith
Short Fiction—David K. Slay & Rowena Leong Singer
Interviews & Craft Essays—Allison Carr
Editor at Large: Katelyn Keating
Editorial Consultants: Joanna Acevedo, Kate Blakinger, Melissa Benton Barker, Alyse Burnside, Henry Christopher, Chloe Chun Seim, Kyle Cochrun, Alexa Doran, Brandon Dudley, Ross Feeler, B. B. Garin, Eliana Gruvman, Courtney Harler, Katelyn Keating, Jill Kolongowski, Val M. Mathews, Gabriel Moseley, Justine Payton, Rebecca Reynolds, Gage Saylor, & David K. Slay
Editorial Assistants:
Creative Nonfiction—Kyle Cochrun, Amy Cook, & Travis D. Roberson
Flash Fiction—Lindsey Wente & Eliana Gruvman
Short Fiction—Elizabeth DeKok, Teal Hall, & Melissa Witcher
Interviews & Craft Essays—Sabina Abd Livadariu & Shehrazade Zafar-Arif
Art & Marketing Assistant: Rebecca Loggia
Production Assistant: Maren Logan
Readers: Matthew Ainley, Lucy Barber-Hancock, L. Shapley Bassen, Kyle Cochrun, Amy Cook, Elizabeth DeKok, Dawn Goulet, Alexandra Gromacki, Eliana Gruvman, Mary Guiney, Teal Hall, Cre’shea Hilton, Emmie Kline, Sabina Abd Livadariu, Maren Logan, Rebecca Loggia, Emma Pacchiana, Rachel Phillips, Travis D. Roberson, K Roberts, Malissa Rodenburg, Mylena Rodriguez, Saanvi Sahoo, Jessica Stoppkotte, Lindsey Wente, Severin Wiggenhorn, Melissa Witcher, Amanda Whitehurst, Cloe Wood, Haleigh Yaspan, Shehrazade Zafar-Arif, & Laura Zeilo
Honorary Readers: Amy Barnes & Gabriel Moseley
Founding Editors: Laura Spence-Ash & Kim Winternheimer
Former Editors: Melissa Benton Barker, Flash Fiction Associate Editor, 2021-2024; Suzanne Grove, Associate Editor, 2018-2024; Henry Christopher, Interviews & Craft Essays Section Editor, 2022-2023; Albert Liau, Short Fiction Section Editor 2021-2022; Sam Risak, Interviews & Craft Essays Section Editor 2022; Kathy Ngoc Nguyen, Short Fiction Section Editor 2020–2022; Kristin Tenor, Editor in Chief 2021 & Flash Fiction Section Editor 2020–2021; Katelyn Keating, Editor in Chief 2018–2021; Laura Spence-Ash, Editor in Chief 2017–2018; Alex Berge, Associate Editor 2019–2020 & Short Fiction Section Editor 2018; Tommy Dean, Flash Fiction Section Editor 2018–2020; & Jennifer Jellen, Short Fiction Section Editor 2018–2019
Assistant Hall of Fame: Elizabeth Carls, Interviews & Craft Essays Editorial Assistant, 2024; Isobel Falk, Short Fiction Editorial Assistant, 2023-2024; Marguerite Alley, Short Fiction Editorial Assistant, 2022-2024; Jennie Evenson, Flash Fiction Editorial Assistant, 2023-2024; Angela Lee, Art & Marketing Assistant, 2023-2024; Caitlin Taylor So, Interviews & Craft Essays Editorial Assistant, 2023-2024; Scott Ragland, Flash Fiction Editorial Assistant 2023; Jesse Motte, Short Fiction Editorial Assistant 2023; Jamie Etheridge, Creative Nonfiction Editorial Assistant 2021-2023; Henry Christopher, Art & Marketing Assistant 2022-2023; Elizabeth Bluth, Flash Fiction Editorial Assistant 2021-2023; Sam Risak, Art & Marketing Assistant 2022; Claire Lobenfeld, Short Fiction Editorial Assistant 2021-2022; Anthony Cardellini, Art & Marketing Assistant 2021; & Thomas Ferriello, Flash Fiction Editorial Assistant 2020–2021
Reader Hall of Fame: Shedrack Akanbi, Rascher Marie Alcasid, Andrea Auten, Jakob Bailey, Amy Barnes, Nicole Barney, Cameron Baumgartner, Matt Biundo, Melissa Bowers, Winston Bribach, Elaine Bullock, Alyse Burnside, Delia Campos-Ferreira, Dana Cann, Maia Cataldo, Katie Coleman, Lena Crown, Rebekah Daniel, Alida Dean, Peter Dennis, Matt Dube, Paige Patterson Duff, Alyson Mosquera Dutemple, Gerald Ewa, Catherine Findorak, Flávia Monteiro, Téa Franco, Rosemary Graham, Anthony Godino, Mike Goodwin, Troy Graham, Natalie Harman, Kristen Havens, Rose Heredia, Hannah Jackson, Ryanne Kap, Mike Keeper, Nneoma Kenure, Bronwen Keyes-Bevan, Joelle Kidd, Kristen Zory King, Zachary Kocanda, Namrata Kolachalam, Wilson Koewing, Kurt Kroeber, Ernest Langston, Janice Leagra, Caio Major, Suzanne Manizza Roszak, Emma Margraf, Kristin Marie, Laura Marshall, Claudia McCarron, MJ McGinn, Corey Miller, Priyanka Moorjani, Dev Murphy, Wambui Mwangi, Barathi Nakkeeran, Hayley Neiling, James Nelligan, Cynthia Nnadi, Elizabeth Ochsner, Gwendolyn Paradice, Ashley Paul, Maryssa Paulsen, Austin Ross, Timi Sanni, Amy Scheiner, Vandana Sehrawat, Leslie Shen, Dan Shields, Tom Shute, Casey Smith, Nadine Story, Patricia Thomas, Mary Thompson, Chaharika Uppal, Mary Vensel White, Kori Wood, Angela Workoff, Cynthia Zhang, & Tanya Zilinskas
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