
Exploring the art of prose



Image shows vintage photographs and cardstock overlapping on a table, a twig of pine in the foreground; title card for the new craft essay, "On Crafting the Memoir in Pieces," by Beth Kephart.

On Crafting the Memoir in Pieces

May 24, 2023

  By Beth Kephart • The writer of the memoir in pieces is an assembly artist—a hunter, a gatherer, an arranger, a culler, a keeper. They are not at work on a collection of essays loosely bound by voice, style,…

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Image shows the book cover for MEN I TRUST; title card for Erin Vachon's new hybrid interview with Tommi Parrish.

Hybrid Interview: Tommi Parrish

May 5, 2023

  Essay by Erin Vachon • The opening panel of Tommi Parrish’s brilliant graphic novel Men I Trust—out now from Fantagraphics—centers a clothesline, laundry drying in spare daylight. Parrish populates the world with bodies soon enough. Eliza is a single…

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Image shows the front face of an old cash register with dollar symbols on the buttons; title card for the new craft essay, "Inherited Language," by Nick Almeida.

Inherited Language

March 29, 2023

  By Nick Almeida • If you had grown up in my house, “You’re dollaring me to death” would forever echo in your head. The phrase is one of my mother’s favorites, inextricably linked to any requests for small amounts…

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Image is the book cover for CONVERSATIONS WITH BIRDS; title card for A. D. Carr's new hybrid interview with Priyanka Kumar.

Hybrid Interview: Priyanka Kumar

March 1, 2023

  Essay by A. D. Carr • “Sometimes it just takes the right bird to awaken us.”  —Priyanka Kumar I didn’t start to have an interest in birds until my midthirties. No doubt this shift coincides with the transition from…

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Photograph depicts grassy hills where cattle stand in a row; title card for the new craft essay, "Belt Buckles and Sad Songs: Manifesting the Past in Annie Proulx’s 'Brokeback Mountain'," by Daniel Abiva Hunt.

Belt Buckles and Sad Songs: Manifesting the Past in Annie Proulx’s “Brokeback Mountain”

February 14, 2023

  By Daniel Abiva Hunt • When I first began writing seriously, I was obsessed with character histories. Nothing would make my character feel more real and fully formed than a detail-oriented past, I felt, and I would turn over…

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Image is a photograph of a wooden board wall dripping water into a pool, causing ripples; title card for the new critical essay "Crafting Endings in Short Fiction" by Jennifer Murvin.

Crafting Endings in Short Fiction

November 8, 2022

  By Jennifer Murvin • There are two quotations I often turn to when thinking about ending a short story; the first comes from Flannery O’Connor, in her essay, “On Her Own Work,” which reads, “I often ask myself what makes…

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alt text: image is the book cover for CHOUETTE by Claire Oshetsky; title card for the new hybrid interview between Cavar Sarah and Claire Oshetsky

Hybrid Interview: Claire Oshetsky

November 1, 2022

  Essay by Cavar Sarah • I have never understood the fear of birds. “Because they are so far from us,” I am told by well-meaning humans. “Because we lack ways to tell what they are feeling.” I try to…

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alt text: image is a photograph of black tires in a matrix against a white background; title card for the craft essay "Wisdom and Wisdom Teeth: Against Relatability" by Karen Babine

Wisdom and Wisdom Teeth: Against Relatability

September 30, 2022

  “The human life is individual; it is not unique.” —Bee Yang, via Kao Kalia Yang “There are two types of people in the world: them who have and them who will.” —Dad By Karen Babine • Over the years,…

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alt text: image is a colorful book cover for THIS DISCONNECT; title card for Tyler Barton's new interview with Roisin Kiberd

Hybrid Interview: Roisin Kiberd

September 6, 2022

Essay by Tyler Barton • Someone recently asked me why I set many short stories in the aughts. It’s true that I have a fascination with those years because they were my formative ones, ones in which I was not…

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alt text: image is a color photograph of textured orange stripes; title card for the craft essay "Against Twists" by Vera Kurian

Against Twists

August 30, 2022

  By Vera Kurian • How I wish I could go back and watch The Sixth Sense for the first time again, because when I first saw it, someone had already revealed the twist to me. In retrospect, it was…

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