
Exploring the art of prose



So Much Trouble by Karin Lin-Greenberg

January 4, 2019

  Katherine had only intended to spend a few minutes outdoors wiping the birdhouse with vegetable oil, but now, over an hour after she’d started, she stood in the front yard, an oil-drenched wad of paper towels in one hand,…

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Diamondback Mountain by Tim Weed

December 14, 2018

  Henry takes the stairs three at a time, balancing a tray with a pot of coffee and two of the lodge’s signature blue-enamel mugs. An inch of fresh powder frosts the windowsills, and the light slants in to illuminate…

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Eating Strawberries with Strangers by Pia Ghosh-Roy

November 30, 2018

  I was walking with the broken pieces of my day in a thin cloth bag when I saw them sitting by the river, three women with the sun setting on their hair. They were eating strawberries, drinking rosé in…

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Flash from City by the Sea by Doug Ramspeck

November 16, 2018

  Doppelganger   In his dreams the people of the city are ghosts. The writer is walking down a crowded sidewalk, but the pedestrians around him are made of mist or smudges of light or dust. They speak in the…

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Fire / The Haunting / My Debt Collector by Brenda Peynado

November 2, 2018

  Fire   When I was eight years old, I watched a fire leap over the forest in glowing arcs and the men in my family battle it away. The fire had taken out farms on the panhandle for a…

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A Little Like Hope by Jason Jackson

October 19, 2018

O was twenty-nine when he died, and now he lives in my head. He says it’s like swimming. He can’t breathe. “You don’t have to,” I say. “You’re dead.” But he just sighs. At first, there was a lot of…

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Kuchizi by Lucas Schaefer

October 5, 2018

Carlos Ortega roaming Africa was a ridiculous proposition, which was why everyone who heard the idea savored its deliciousness. For all his thirty-nine years, Carlos had prowled the same few blocks east of the interstate, and to conceive of him…

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Beyond Love by James Winter

September 21, 2018

I A week ago, in downtown Amman, Jordan, suicide bombers entered the public park near the American embassy. The blasts shattered windows along the ground floors of the looming, gated government buildings on Umawyeen Street, which dead-ended at Qaherah to…

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Mule Brigade by Kenan Orhan

September 7, 2018

In the mountains on the way to Iraq, the lieutenant’s jeep pulls over. He hops out the back and takes a few, crunchy steps through the snow down the hill. He has to piss again. “Is it healthy?” Corporal Kayaoğlu…

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“The Deepest Part of the Lake” by John Haggerty

August 24, 2018

The most exciting thing that ever happened around town was when they found out that Russian mobsters from LA had been dumping bodies in the lake. It was the bridge, arcing gracefully out over the narrowest but deepest section of…

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