
Exploring the art of prose



alt text: image is a color photograph of a white house on a large lawn; title card for new flash fiction "The Final Girl as a Middle-Aged Woman" by Amber Sparks

The Final Girl as a Middle-Aged Woman by Amber Sparks

September 16, 2022

  This final girl is fleeing like all the others, flinging open the front door of a small suburban house. This final girl is screaming, long hair streaming, all torn T-shirt and superficial injuries and sudden athletic desperation. But something…

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alt text: image is a color photograph of goldfish in a plastic bag; title card for Hana Choi's short story "Ready for School"

Ready for School by Hana Choi

September 9, 2022

  The day I discovered pleasure was the day I lost my mother. It happened in the fall of 1995 when I was eleven years old. That afternoon I was standing naked on the balcony of our apartment, my skin…

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alt text: image is a color photograph of a baby's crib; title card for the flash fiction pieces "Genetically Predetermined Chemical Imbalances" by Eliot Li

Genetically Predetermined Chemical Imbalances by Eliot Li

August 19, 2022

  My dead Aunty May visits me while I assemble the baby’s crib. Her pale blue fingers catch my wrist while I’m twisting the Allen wrench to secure the right side panel. Delia, my wife, is at work. Aunty May…

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alt text: image is a color photograph of a deck overlooking the water; title card for the short story "Late Summer" by Isabella Barrengos,

Late Summer by Isabella Barrengos

August 5, 2022

  The smell of weed did nothing to calm Roland’s nerves as he reached the bottom of the stairs. He found her, the smoker, splayed out with a book on the long end of the couch in a bright blue…

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alt text: image is a black and white photograph of a cemetery; title card for the flash fiction pieces "Three Very Sad Homos" by Shastri Akella

Three Very Sad Homos by Shastri Akella

July 22, 2022

  My Favorite Elvis The boy and the dog were both named Elvis. Whenever Daddy hollered “Elvis” they both came to him. Even when it was one of them he wanted: the boy for a chore, the dog for a…

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alt text: image is a color photograph of a lantern surrounded by autumn leaves; title card for the short story "The Witch Hare" by AJ Strosahl

The Witch Hare by AJ Strosahl

July 8, 2022

  In The Witch Hare, a witch’s familiar—a curious young hare—goes on a globe-hopping journey to help her sad companion learn to live life to the fullest again. As the hare ventures out to seek adventure, she shows the witch…

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alt text: image is a color graphic of a zoomed-out terrain; title card for Madari Pendas's flash fiction piece "Instructor Feedback"

Instructor Feedback by Madari Pendás

May 20, 2022

  Thank you for your submission. We must begin with the lines—far too restated in this piece. Like I’ve mentioned before, a good artist looks more at their subject than at the paper. Think about what your mind is naturally…

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alt text: image is a color photograph of pink oracle cards; title card for Adelina Sarkisyan's short story "Terrible Things"

Terrible Things by Adelina Sarkisyan

May 6, 2022

  I We’re closer than sisters. That’s what she tells me on the night of the full moon. We undress in her bedroom and wrap our hair with twine. This is what sisters do, she says, spreading a deck of…

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alt text: image is a color photograph of a desert road; title card for the flash fiction piece "De Nuevo" by A.J. Rodriguez

De Nuevo by A. J. Rodriguez

April 29, 2022

  The blocks of the Westside development whipped by us. All the houses bled into one another, a single stroke of adobe beige. No veterinarian had settled into this part of Albuquerque—it was too new, plastic, hollow. If one had…

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alt text: image is a color photograph of teal paint strokes; title card for the flash fiction piece "Riders" by Pete Stevens

Riders by Pete Stevens

April 22, 2022

  My wife wants to know what my new job is, the title, so I tell her what the woman at dispatch told me, that I’m a nonemergency medical driver, which means I’m there when the situation isn’t dire, when…

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