
Exploring the art of prose



alt text: image is blurred, grayed screenshot of a government census form; title card for Jade Hilde's "Census"

Census by Jade Hidle

August 1, 2022

  They always knock with questions and promises. They assure me that checking these boxes will only take a few. forward. minutes. But time winds serpentine when so many voices crescendo with each box that asks me to fit inside.…

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alt text: image is a color photograph of cows in a pasture; title card for the flash CNF piece "Yield" by Jolene McIlwain

Yield by Jolene McIlwain

July 13, 2022

Content Warnings—cesarean section, traumatic birth   I could not milk. Was it due to upset levels of oxytocin, prolactin, beta-endorphin? May have been the morphine pump I kept firing like a trigger from my hospital bed in the postlabor/delivery room.…

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alt text: image is a color photograph of a streak of car lights at night; title card for Myna Chang's creative nonfiction piece "We Were the Wild Hunt"

We Were the Wild Hunt by Myna Chang

June 6, 2022

  Riding the night streets wrapped in our tight young skin, brave-stupid and untamed, magic bursting from our pores like new stars. We met under the sign of the flying horse, the vacant shell of an old gas station, our…

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alt text: image is a black-and-white photograph of a board with mathematical equations; title card for Beth Gistrap's creative nonfiction piece "The Pythagorean Theorem: Three Micros"

The Pythagorean Theorem: Three Micros by Beth Gilstrap

May 25, 2022

  The Pythagorean Theorem In a photo of her when she was eight months pregnant with me, my mother looks up at the camera. High sun. Her sweaty hair clinging to her jawline. A powder blue top swinging in the…

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alt text: image is a color photograph of white church doors; title card for Jane Marcellus's flash nonfiction piece "Kept"

Kept by Jane Marcellus

March 23, 2022

  Moores lived next door. He worked construction; she stayed home. I don’t know how old he was, but I remember that on her birthday, she turned twenty-two. It seemed old. I was twelve. Moores had a baby, Sidney. Their…

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alt text: image is a color photograph of shattered glass; title card for the essay "Like Water Flowing" by April Bradley

Like Water Flowing by April Bradley

February 23, 2022

  You came and I was longing for you You cooled my heart burning with desire. —  Sappho, fr. 48   The days run together now Monday is a Wednesday is a Saturday is a Thursday and most days I…

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Little Things I Hug Huge by Sudha Balagopal

January 26, 2022

  The way Appa held the sponge-tipped brush of white shoe polish. The way he ran the snowy viscosity over my scuffed canvas shoes, on top of the laces, around the eyelets. The way he placed my shoes under the…

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This Century, the Last by Kristine Langley Mahler

November 17, 2021

  Everyone is coughing behind a mask. The papers warn that the only way to avoid the sweeping sickness is to limit contact, but kids are still playing together in the streets because October in Cloquet, Minnesota is rarely this…

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Gun Case by Charlie Geer

November 3, 2021

  Later, after my uncle’s suicide, the gun cabinet would be moved into the attic, but in the early eighties it still stood in the upstairs hall, just outside my bedroom door. An unassuming wooden display case with twin glass-paned…

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Antediluvian Animals by Keely O’Connell

October 6, 2021

  The plane lands in the one hour of tilted midday light that January sees daily. I step down onto the icy runway, and my new principal throws my bag into the bed of a red pickup. I climb in…

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