
Exploring the art of prose



Abbreviated / Not Manager Material by Paul Crenshaw

November 18, 2020

  Abbreviated   Since entering middle age, I sometimes fear my time is running short. I could use the word “manopause” to explain the changes men face at my age, but I need to save time so I just say…

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Refrigerator Elegy by Lindsey Harding

November 11, 2020

  Do all things expire? you ask on trash night, and I shake my head, shake two-week-old pasta into the sink, shepherd it down the drain. No, surely no. And later—the refrigerator cleaned out, its shelves crumbless at last, so…

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Dois Irmãos by Hannah Storm

October 7, 2020

  There’s a hill in Rio that overlooks the water, named for the fact it has two peaks. You describe it to me, but I don’t catch its name as you take my breasts in your hands, nuzzle my neck…

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Into that dark permanence of ancient forms by Aileen Hunt

September 9, 2020

  I. It’s getting late when we turn into the car park—newly constructed to accommodate the endless tour buses that otherwise clog the country roads. But the late hour has worked to our advantage. The car park is empty; the…

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Because, the Ferguson Verdict by Ira Sukrungruang

August 12, 2020

  Because, in 1978, we were the first Thai family in a working class neighborhood of Chicago, predominantly inhabited by Polish and Irish. Because we found our mailbox off its post every weekend, the aluminum dented in the shape of…

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Girls, Monsters by Jaquira Díaz

July 15, 2020

When we were twelve, we taught ourselves to fly. —John Murillo, from “Renegades of Funk” All of us girls, now women. —T Kira Madden, from “The Feels of Love” That winter, we watched New York Undercover on group phone calls,…

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